Slash your shipping costs!
from California, from Florida, from anywhere...

Using our UPS® Rates...

We understand that shipping your copper pieces to us from San Francisco or Los Angeles or Miami can be expensive.... so we're offering a fantastic reduced rate shipping service to East Coast Tinning.  

Here's the process:

  • Box your copper
... to keep your costs low...
 use the SMALLEST box possible

UPS will charge higher rates on "large & light" boxes.

  • Note the WEIGHT & DIMENSIONS of the box

  • For only $4 have UPS Pickup at YOUR location
Just follow instructions after the label prints
How easy is that?!?

We'll bill you our UPS rates and save YOU a bundle!!

Retinning Copper Cookware

Examples of savings....

... for a 20lb package shipped to us from:

                                    Post Office rate             Your UPS Rate

San Francisco               
Los Angeles                   $60.95                                 $21.65

Denver                            $52.55                                 $19.23    

Miami                              $48.10                                 $16.13

Chicago                           $41.75                                  $13.56

* Rates as of May 1,2015.  Subject to change.