1.)  Do not "preheat"  copper pots
Since copper conducts heat so well, it heats up very quickly.  The tin lining can and will melt in as little as 30 seconds depending on the size of the pan.

2.)  Avoid scrubbing 
For cooked on foods, try filling the copper pan with water and a bit of  dish soap then simmer for 15 minutes.  You'll be amazed how easily the cooked-on food cleans up.  Less elbow grease and less wear on the tin!

3.)  Don't sear in copper pans
Remember, the tin lining melts at only about 450 degrees F.   To sear meats at high heat, choose cast iron,  aluminum, or stainless steel instead of choosing your copper cookware.

4.)  Use wooden utensils with copper pots
Avoid scratching the tin cooking surface with metal utensils.

5.)  Keep your copper clean and polished for best cooking results.  (Great recipes help too!)  Towel dry after washing to avoid water spots.

Keeping your copper cookware in perfect condition after retinning...

East Coast Tinningectinning@gmail.com(401) 965-4569

Retinning Copper Cookware